Saturday, March 6, 2021


When you ask someone what they think of when they think of United States history, they will most likely mention a World War, Civil War, or Revolutionary War. These were all extremely crucial to American history because it is how we got to today. I think one of the main reasons why people do not talk about being antiwar is because it is hard to justify your views on that topic while still remaining in the United States of America and not trying to get that opinion heard. A big problem that we see every day is that people have strong opinions about America but they also live here and work here so they tend not to do much about it. Antiwar is a difficult opinion to have here in the United States. Another reason we most likely do not see more antiwar in the media is because having that stance as a media source would cause a lot of backlash. While you want intriguing headlines or first-to-the-scene stories, you do not want something so out of the societal norm that you end up losing readers or viewers. Here in the United States, we appreciate active duty military or veterans more than other countries. We celebrate them all the time and even more so on US holidays such as the 4th of July. It is hard to say that you are antiwar when every person in every state is celebrating it at least one day a year. 

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